Sistema di Riego-Irrigation, Irrigazione System
The return observed by a biological agriculture is often deluding. Now, thanks to EcoLombric your production is up and meet your quality requests. Eco-Lombric is an underground irrigation system build of recycled plastics with a capacity of nearly 5 litres per plants, made in 5 versions, for gardeners, small and medium professionals. The wast of our natural resources is transforming the planet. Human activities, growing every days, is the the principal cause to global Warming. Scientists know that the earth is in danger. Agricultural, Industrial or Domestics waste can't be assimilated by the Earth regeneration power. Everyone knows about the Earth Disease. If we don't change, we will let to futur generations a world unproductive to « L I F E ». From N O W for T O M O R R O W, Humanity has to serve the Nature and not the reverse !
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- ترحيب لايكو نظم الري — عن Ing. MBA Bader Dimitri Pasquazzo — آخر تعديل Feb 27, 2010 07:31 PM
- تهانينا! كنت قد وجدت في القرن 21st نظم الري على شبكة الإنترنت.